The Known Healing Quality of Tea

We have long known of the healing quality of tea. Tea has been used to treat diseases ranging from heart disease to cancer for centuries. For tea drinkers this can be important in helping them decide which teas to pick. Starting a daily habit of drinking tea is something that some people have a hard time committing to.

The scientific community is still on the fence about tea as the current studies have yet to yield concrete data one way or another. Only a few studies have shown true significant impact on a consistent basis. Despite this, those who drink tea have reported better health, including certain individuals saying that they haven’t gotten sick in years, whereas before they began a daily tea regime they would get sick at least once, if not more times every year.

Using tea to cure Cancer

1.jpgDue to its mass appeal Green tea has been the subject of numerous health studies. In most cases, green tea has yet to be shown to have any significant impact on most cancer one way or another. While there have been some promising results with breast,ovarian and endometrial cancers, the jury is still out.

Another kind of tea knowns as black tea has show more encouraging results with a decrease in deaths related to cancer. As well, those who live in countries with high tea consumption rates, such as Japan, have a much lower risk for cancer.

While it should not be viewed as a cure, tea has no known negative impact on those seeking to prevent or treat cancer. Before making any change including adding tea, you should always speak with your doctor. Tea should be considered an extra boost to the body to help it fight cancer, but, as far as has been medically tested, it should not be expected to yield high results, certainly not by itself.

Tea and treating Heart Disease

Green and black tea have both been studied and found to lower LDL cholesterol, and lower the risk for heart disease in general.

. There has been evidence that shows those who drink black tea have lower rates of stroke. As well, both black and green tea have been shown to improve endothelial function, and arterial health in general.. Black tea, when drunk on a regular and consistent basis, has also been shown to lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, though only slightly. However, adding milk to the tea was found to cut down on the tea’s benefits.

Weight Loss with Tea

Though the results are vague, there have been studies that link tea and weight loss. Certainly, since heart and artery health are improved, it stands to reason that a body which has been consistently taking in tea would function more smoothly. When the body is running smoothly, it becomes much more efficient at metabolising fat and keeping extra weight off.

When there have been positive results from tea for weight loss, there is often a noticeable amount of caffeine present as well. When the metabolism is running properly, it is able to convert fat into energy more efficiently helping the user maintain a healthy body weight.

Of course, in none of these cases is it a “cure” for an excess of weight.Those looking to lose weight can add tea to their diet without much worry about it hurting their cause. However, anyone who needs to lose weight shouldn’t rely on the tea. Tea is able to aid in a healthy lifestyle yet people are still recommend to speak with their doctor and work on making improvements to both their dietary habits and exercise routine.

The Effects of Tea on Mental Stability

Tea has been noted to provide a bit of protection and aid for those suffering from certain cognitive illnesses, such as dementia.This runs along similar lines to the idea that coffee, or caffeine in general, may also have a positive effect on mental health in later life.

The main factor is that these beverages both raise a person’s mental awareness. Both of these beverages can help revitalize the person’s mind and this helps to delay the degradation of cognitive function.

Right now there is a lot of research on this subject despite it being new territory. The first round of data does look promising so far.

People wanting to be proactive about their mental health use various games and other stimulus to keep their minds active. These activities as well as drinking tea daily can help to delay the onset and lessen the effects of various cognitive orders.

Tea as a source of Antioxidants

A healthy body needs Antioxidants found in vitamins C and E to help remove the oxidizing agents in your body. In shorter words, they combat the body’s version of rust.

One of the main selling points with drinking tea is that it’s loaded with these vitamins. Black, oolong, and green tea have both been shown to contain relatively high levels of antioxidants, and thusly make for great additions to any health diet. Several countries that have historically enjoyed Black tea are now making the switch to green due to it’s health benefits.

While these tea’s might sound different, they come from the same plant and thus have similar chemical properties.The species is loaded with these vitamins that the body is able to absorb through the tea. The difference between black, oolong, and green tea is how they are treated once plucked from the tea shrub (one of several nicknames for the camellia tea plant).

There are also many other foods that have antioxidants as well. That said, those found in tea are unique. Other teas, such as herbal tea, have less studies and information regarding this subject, and shouldn’t be approached with the same expectation as green or black tea.

Learn more about the best anti-aging teas.

How Tea can boost bone health

Though studies have been minimal, and human studies have been even more scarce, it’s thought that tea improves bone health, including the health of teeth, though these are for different reasons.

Tea is known to change the pH levels in your mouth without damaging the outer covering of the teeth.

Certainly, those suffering from problems such as osteoporosis likely won’t be harmed by adding tea to their diet. While the studies are still out, no detrimental effects have been shown on bone health.

Is Tea right for you?

Tea is a versatile drink with deep rooted traditions in a variety of cultures. It’s been a long held belief that Tea is good for both the body and the mind. . Scientifically speaking, we simply aren’t sure yet There are a few points and known facts that do show a connection to an increase in health, however there aren’t enough to give definitive answers one way or another in many cases.

One thing we have seen is that a cup of tea a day probably won’t do you any harm. Tea is a good choice for those seeking an extra boost in their diet. Despite lack of research, tea is widely popular among people all over the world.

New research is coming out all the time and by doing a normal search on Bing, you can find the latest information. Regularly checking official websites, such as, and encouraging more studies will hopefully yield results that can change the way we view health, and our drinks.

If you are considering making any changes in your your normal activities or altering your diet, it’s wise to seek counsel from a licensed medical practitioner.As large numbers of people in the scientific community continue to be asked about these issues, they are more inspired to seek out the answers.